The Ten Best Stocks Under $10 to Buy in 2020

Stocks under $10 may sound risky. There’s a big difference between the price of a stock and the value it offers. A penny stock may be a great value, and a stock trading for hundreds of dollars per share may be a poor investment. While that difference will always remain, investors who focus on less expensive stocks—that also offer value, of course—can fare pretty well. That’s because less expensive stocks are easier to trade in and out of. And institutional investors ...
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10 Best Marijuana Stocks to Buy Right Now in 2020

There are always a number of popular trends in the market. Some of those trends shift over time. While many of today’s top trends are based on technology, one big trend has been with marijuana stocks. From production to drug makers to suppliers and beyond, weed stocks have been in and out of favor with the market several times over the past few years. Right now, they look to be coming back into favor after a long bull market. There are a ...
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Stock-Picking Legend Leaks Secret Stock (Trades for Less Than $3)

With the new year comes new trading opportunities. One method traders use to take advantage of the new year is to screen for companies that underperformed in the prior year. Buying these “dogs” tends to make for a market-beating year, on average. Trading Tips’ Andrew Packer explains in our latest video ...
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The Best 5G Stocks to Buy Now 2020

5G is here. The fifth generation of cellular network technology, it was first introduced in late 2018. Rollouts started in 2019, and now in 2020, those rollouts continue, even amidst a backdrop of economic uncertainty. Compared to its predecessors, such as the prevailing 4G or 4G lte, the new network will have increased bandwidth and faster download speeds. This will allow for better calls… but it will also allow for better technologies in the Internet of Things (IoT) space. As with any ...
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10 Best Penny Stocks to Buy Right Now in August 2020

Don’t let the name fool you. A penny stock is simply any stock trading under $5 per share. It doesn’t actually have to be priced at one penny (although many stocks are). Why the term? And why the price point of $5 per share? At that $5 price point, institutional investors and hedge funds are typically prevented from owning these shares. Many of these names are often OTC stocks as well, meaning they trade over the counter and not on a traditional exchange. Many ...
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The 10 Best Dividend Stocks to Buy Now in August 2020

Investment fads come and go. But strong companies that are capable of producing steady earnings and cash flow over time tend to reward their shareholders with dividends. Dividend-paying companies tend to be less volatile than the overall stock market. They produce high levels of free cash flow, which tends to make its way to shareholders. And they can provide investors with dividend income throughout the year that can be reinvested in the same stock, other stocks, or even spent elsewhere. It’s part ...
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Wall Street Will HATE That He’s Giving Away This Secret Manual

With the new year comes new trading opportunities. One method traders use to take advantage of the new year is to screen for companies that underperformed in the prior year. Buying these “dogs” tends to make for a market-beating year, on average. Trading Tips’ Andrew Packer explains in our latest video ...
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5 Undervalued Tech Stocks to Buy Now

The technology sector has been a huge outperformer for well over a year. If you were to take a ratio of the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 to the S&P 500, you would see the trend in the relative strength highly favor the Nasdaq since the December 2018 low. It’s not exactly unusual to see technology lead in a bull market, but that’s not exactly what we’ve been experiencing. However, the predominance of a handful of tech names have weighed heavily on the ...
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